The hrpd , wich is designed for the study of crystal structure and magnetic structure of materials , was simulated and optimized 对高分辨粉末衍射谱仪的设计方案进行了模拟和优化研究,该谱仪主要用于材料的晶体结构和磁结构研究。
A new progress in m ? ssbauer spetrum study on the magnetic structure and magnetic properties of the magnetic layer , interface layer and nonmaynetic layer in the magnetic multilayers is reviewed 摘要简述磁性多层膜中磁层、界面和非磁层的结构及磁性的穆斯堡尔谱研究。
High reliability : the seal contains a simple , permanent magnetic structure and a non - wearing magnetic fluid . the only parts subject to mechanical wear are self - contained ball bearings 良好可靠性:密封圈由永磁结构和稳定的磁性流体组成,所以机械磨损仅发生在轴承上。
On the basis of the former two - dimensions and three - components mhd numerical simulation , this paper analyses evolution of the magnetic helicity of various magnetic structures in the magnetotail 摘要在二维三分量mhd数值模拟的基础上,对地球磁尾不同类型磁结构的形成作磁螺度分析。
The various initial distributions of magnetic helicity density and the transportation of magnetic helicity flux may lead to various evolutions of magnetic helicity density in the neutral sheet region , and could result in the formation of various magnetic structures 不同的初始磁螺度密度分布和磁螺度通量输运,可以引起中性片区域磁螺度密度分布的不同演化,从而导致具有不同拓扑位形磁结构的形成。
The actuator design mainly includes the machinery and magnetic structure and model building of utility system . the magnetic structure reveals operating principle , magnetic structure and physical model . the foundation of model gives the procedure of the motor quantification 磁路结构给出了电机的工作原理、结构设计和实际物理模型;建模部分以给定的实际应用系统为模型,给出了电机量化模型的建立过程。
Selecting two articles on this section as its research objects , the thesis makes a deep analysis of these two news texts with “ the urban marginalized ” , a sociological term , as its connecting thread . by telling regular days ’ “ rifles ” of “ the urban marginalized ” , the narration itself comes out to be the presentation of and enquiry into the meaning of common people ’ s life , and overthrows the traditional “ mainstream narration ” in content . the narrative style of “ magnetic structure ” exhibits the living surroundings of the narration body more forcefully , although it dissects the typical linear structure conventionally used in in - depth reports 本文的研究表明,这类报道中的叙述者通过讲述“城市边缘人”日常生活中的“小事” ,其叙述本身构成对于普通人日常生活意义的呈现与追问,在内容上颠覆了传统的“主流叙事” ; “磁场式结构”的叙述方式,消解了常规深度报道惯用的线性结构,但却更有力地展示出了叙事主体的生存氛围,有助于推进受述者阅读这一群体充满变数的生活,引发真切感受;语言的修辞性指向意义的播撒,透明朴素的语言中流动着厚重的人文关怀,舒缓细腻的叙述笔调增强了叙述文本的张力。
This paper analyzed the data obtained at mcmurdo and thule neutron monitor ( nm ) stations and at guangzhou muon monitor station during the cme event in march 1991 . the results show that in this event when the cme structure passed the earth , it was shifted to the earth ' s southern hemisphere and the strongest magnetic structure associated with the cme passing the earth at about 2000ut , march 24 . 1991 我们利用mcmurdo和thule两个台站的银河宇宙线强度的观测数据和广州多方向介子探测器记录的宇宙线强度的数据分析了1991年3月cme的特征,注意到cme是一定程度地偏向地球的南半球,并给出了cme中最强的磁场结构到达磁层的时间为1991年3月24日2000ut左右,这是过去没有注意到的一个特征。
The difference between the magnetic moments for the samples with respective doping level can be ascribed to the variation of the competition between thermal effect and the magnetic coupling . based on the spin orientation rotation of dy sublattice as well as the antiferomagnetic coupling between dy sublattice and mn sublattice , we successfully elucidate the changes of magnetic structure in perovskite compounds s . electron spin resonance ( esr ) study on perovskite compounds on the basis of chapter 4 , we give further study on micromagneticism of dy - doping perovskite compounds la0 . 67 - xdyxsr0 . 33mno3 其中第一节简单回顾了早期对a位双稀土元素元素掺杂钙钛矿化合物的研究,早期研究较多的是替代元素的离子半径变化上,由于替代离子半径的改变,使a位平均半径变ylll化,致使公差因子改变,使mn o长、键角变化,晶格效应的作用使化合物的磁性、电性、 cmr效应发生改变。
From some characteristics observed , such as the short lift time , narrow frequency band , fast frequency drift , quasi - periodic pulsation , spike event and complex magnetic structure , it is considered that the radiation mechanism of these events may be principally due to the electromagnetic waves magnified directly by the instable electronic cyclotron 从它们的观测特征:短寿命,窄频带,频率快速漂移,及尖峰事件与磁结构复杂的大黑子活动区密切相关等,认为这些事件的辐射机制可能是电子回旋脉泽不稳定直接放大电磁波所致。
The term magnetic structure of a material pertains to the ordered arrangement of magnetic spins, typically within an ordered crystallographic lattice. Its study is a branch of solid-state chemistry.